Wednesday, October 15th, 2014 – 20th Dhul Hijjah 1435AH

This week’s Isale Sawab Majlis will be in the memory of the following Marhumeen.
2nd Death Anniversary of Marhuma Lailabai Amarsi
Marhuma Sukaina Gulamabbas Amarsi
All Marhumeen of Amarsi Family
By Family Members
Marhum Mohamedhassan Amirali Karim Bhimani
Marhuma Tahera Hassan Hirji
Marhuma Rahmatbanu Gulamabbas Saleh Alarakhia
By Family Members
Marhum Jaffer Taki Abdulhussein of Orlando
All Marhumeen Rajabali Jaffer Family
All Marhumeen of Haji Family
By Hassan Jaffer Family
Marhum Rizwan Mohamedtaki Hasham
All Marhumeen of Esmail Kassam Family
All Marhumeen of Mohamedali Kassam Bhalloo
By Ansarali Kassam
Marhum Asgharali Hassanali Jaffer Dhanji
Marhumeen of Tarbhai Family
Marhumeen of Jaffer Dhanji Family
By Family Members
Marhuma Shirinbai Noorali Jetha
Qul Marhumeen of Jetha Family
Qul Marhumeen of Ali Mohamed Pirmohamed Family
By Wives of Family
Marhum Amirali Rajabali Khimji
Marhuma Rubab Bai Khimji
Marhum Raza Hussein Khimji
Marhuma Rubab Bai Roshanali Khimji
By Family Members
Marhuma Tahera Bai Hassanali Jaffer Binte Ebrahim Bharmal
By Family Members
All Marhumeen of Jaffer Gulamhusein Family
Marhum Akberali s/o Mohamedali Musa
Marhum Bashir Mohamedtaki Somji
Marhum Jaffer Mohamed Kermalli
Marhuma Rubab bai Amersi Alibhai d/o Gulamali Damani
Marhum Habib Ladak
Marhum Riyaz Gulamali Kara
Marhum Mohamedtaki Nasser Walji
the Jaffari Community Center Secretariat office ONLY, during office hours at 905-695-9786 or [email protected]
Requests through anyone else will NOT be entertained.*

For more detailed information about the programs please click on the date.
Thursday 16th October – Shahadat of Sons of Muslim bin Aqil and Jumeraat Program – 7:30pm
Friday 17th October – Juma’ah Program – 12:45pm
Saturday 18th October – EID UL MUBAHALA – 7:00pm
Friday, October 24th (Eve of 30th Dhul Hijjah) – Muharram Set Up
Request volunteers (Ladies and Gents) to assist with Muharram set up at JCC. Set up to start at 7.00 pm. Meeting point: Zainabia Halls. Light dinner will be served.
Saturday 25th October -1st night of Muharram – 7:45pm
*subject to moonsighting
URDU: Maulana Syed Fathay Ali (India)
ENGLISH: Sayyid Muhammed Baqir Al-Qazwini (QUM)
LADIES: Zakira Askari Begum (Houston)
NAUHA: Br. Husein Virji (U.K)
Muharram Guide now available online. Click here.
Daily Jama’at Prayers at Masjid E Ghadeer
Daily Maghribyn Salaat at prime time.
Saturday Evenings
Salātul Maghribayn at awwal (prime) time followed by Quran Tilawah for half an hour by mu’minin who would like to participate in the recitation. A Quran teacher will be there to point out correct recitation and Tajweed rules. All mu’minīn are encouraged to participate in the program.
Week-ends (Saturday and Sunday) Fajr Salaat will be at 6:30 AM
Entrance from Gate of Ali
For inquiries, please contact Mukhi 1-855-JAF-FARI (523-3274)
For further program updates visit
Al-Haadi Madressah (Sunday)
Al-QaAim Madressah (Saturday)
Thursday Night Girls Madressah
Thursday Night Boys Madressah
To celebrate Eid e Ghadeer, Eid e Mubahila, there will be a Milad and a Panjatan Sufro for Ladies only on Sunday, October 19th, 2014 at 2.30 p.m. at JCC, 9000 Bathurst. Contributions of $50.00 can be made towards the sufro. Please give your contributions to the Treasurer, Sister Kaniz Remtulla

Br Mohamedhussein Musa or Hassan bhai Jaffer.
For Duas, Suras and Ziarat, please register on-line. CLICK HERE
Zainabiya Workshop is a forum for discussion on various topics pertaining to Hadith and Holy Qur’an. We meet every Monday morning at 10.00 am in Room #B052 located in the lower level of JCC, just past the NASIMCO office.
Program begin with recitation from the Holy Qur’an and continue with discussions on the lives of our Ulema.
Participate in thought provoking and lively discussions based on the stories of “Allama Tabatabai.
This week we welcome Maulana Sayyid Muhammad Rizvi as our keynote speaker
For more information, please contact: [email protected]

10:30 a.m.
Centre at the complex, 138 Yorkland Street, Richmond Hill
Sister Mary Rahim, Sister Shakie Dharsi, Sister Masuma Dhirani, Sister Rozina Kermalli, Sister Fatima Worthington
Hadeeth-e-Kisa, Sura Jumua, Sura Fath, Qaseeda – Sister Rozina Kermalli, Dua-e-Nudba – Sister Sadiqa Dharsi, Short Lecture: Sister Latifa Samji, Ziyarat of Ale Yaseen
Tafseer e Quran for Ladies
Tuesdays – at Complex, Crescent Village, 11:00am – 12:30pm (Urdu)
Wednesdays – at JCC, 2:15pm – 3:15pm (English)
For further information pls contact Sister Azra Sajjad Ebrahim at [email protected]