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Moon Sighting for Rajab 1441 AH – Tuesday February 25, 2020
This du’a (click here) is recommended after the daily obligatory prayers in the month of Rajab. According to Shaykh Abbas Qummi (in Mafatihul Jinan), this du’a has been taught by Imam Ja`far as-Sadiq (a).
Moon Sighting for Dhul Hijjah 1443 AH
2 Unit prayer recommended for the month of Dhul Hijjah The reward of offering the following prayer is to participate in the rewards of those who go on Hajj At each of these ten nights, it is recommended to offer a two unit prayer between the Maghrib and `Isha’ obligatory prayers and to recite at each…
Message From the Secretariat – ISIJ of Toronto Centres Temporarily Closed
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ISIJ of Toronto Statement: Unauthorized call to prayer video at Jaffari Community Centre
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