Death Announcement
Name: Sr. Sukaina Nazmul Sajan
Date of Death: Thursday September 8, 2022 (11 Safar 1444)
Date of Burial: Friday September 9, 2022 (12 Safar 1444)
Cemetery: Birmingham, UK
It is with sadness that we share the news of the demise of MARHUMA SUKAINA NAZMUL SAJAN who passed away in Birmingham UK on Thursday, 8th September 2022. 11th Safar 1444 A.H.
Marhuma was the Daughter of Late Gulamabbas Fazal Meghji and Nargisbai G F. Meghji of dar es salaam.
Marhuma was the WIfe of Br Nazmul Sajan of Birmigham.
Marhuma was the Mother of Br. Mohammed Ahmed, Sis Rukaiya Tausif bhanji, Sis Kulsum Sajan Allidin, Sis Sakina Sajan Somji, Sis Zahra Sajan Mucklai and Sis Sayyeda Sajan.
Marhuma was the Sister of Br Hasnain G. F. Meghji andBr Mohsin G .F . Meghj of Dar es salaam And Br Murtaza G.F. Meghji of Toronto.
Marhuma was the Sister in law of Sis Femida Hasnain Meghji and Sis Sukaina Mohsin Meghji of Dar es salaam And Sis Azmina Dharamsi Meghji of Toronto.
Marhuma was the Mother in law of Nikhath Mukhtar, Taussif Bhanji, Shaffiq Allidina, Mustafa Somji and Reza Mucklai.
Marhuma was the Aunt ( fuima ) of Sis Fatema meghji Thawer, Sis Zainab meghji Nasser, Sis Zahra Meghji Hirji, Br Ali Meghji, Br Mohamad Meghji of Dar es salaam, Sis Shaista Meghji, Sis Sayyeda Meghji , Sis, Saharfatema Meghji , Sis Saniyazahra Meghji And Br Meisamabbas Meghji of Toronto.
Marhuma was the Grand mother of Zainab and Maryam Tausif Bhanji of Birmingham and Reyhan Somji of DSM.
Mu’mineen are requested to give sadaqah on behalf of the deceased and remember him with Namaze Mayyit after the burial & with Duas of maghferah.
May the Almighty SWT grant the departed soul maghferah and a place among His chosen ones and grant the family patience to bear this loss.