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Moon Sighting for Dhul Hijjah 1443 AH
2 Unit prayer recommended for the month of Dhul Hijjah The reward of offering the following prayer is to participate in the rewards of those who go on Hajj At each of these ten nights, it is recommended to offer a two unit prayer between the Maghrib and `Isha’ obligatory prayers and to recite at each…
Moon Sighting for Muharram 1442 AH – 1st on Friday, August 21, 2020
As per guidance received from Maulana Sayyid Muhammad Rizvi, there has been no moon sighting in our region. Therefore, tomorrow will be the last day of Dhul Hijjah, and Friday will be the first day of Muharram. ‘Āshūra will therefore be on Sunday, August 30th, 2020.
Message From the Secretariat – ISIJ of Toronto Centres Temporarily Closed
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Annual Interfaith Iftar – June 2, 2019
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