There are a lot of decisions to be made when it comes to university or program selection for students in grade 11 and 12 and students coming in from other countries to study here in Canada.
Many students are often confused on what courses to take… What programs to consider…What College/University to attend… What major to choose.
It is for this reason, that we have created a student directory to help local and foreign students from our community to connect with one another to help answer some of these questions first hand.
We pray that the Almighty guides every student on their journey towards success and happiness in their careers.
If you are studying in Ontario and and would like to be added to the directory, please fill out the registration form.
Please note that you must be a member in good standing of a member Jamaat of The World Federation of KSIMC. Please provide us a letter from your jamaat stating that you are a member with them. You can email your letter to [email protected]. Additionally, we encourage students in the Greater Toronto Area to apply for student membership with the Islamic Shia Ithna Asheri Jamaat of Toronto. To apply for student membership Click Here.
Question? Concerns? Please email us at [email protected]