Voice of the Community – Planning Our Future – Phase 2
As we’ve announced before, ISIJ of Toronto recently received OMB Approval for the development of our lands at 9000 Bathurst. The appeal deadline closed in late December with no issues raised, AH. This clears the way for us to move to the next phase of our planning efforts.
Under the auspices of the Board of Directors of the ISIJ of Toronto, the Strategic Planning and Advisory Committee in partnership with the Capital Projects and Development Committee will host a series of Community Information Sessions in order to engage the community. The objective of the Community Information Sessions will be to share details of the OMB approval and to generate input into the planning and prioritization of the development of the lands at 9000 Bathurst. This aligns with the ISIJ of Toronto’s vision: “To build a strong, united, well informed, connected and caring community”.
The next Community Information Sessions open to all members of our community will be held on:
Thursday March 5, 2020 after Du’a Kumayl
We are seeking the diversity of voices within our community through representation across the key segments (i.e. seniors, women, youth, etc). This is your community and your participation in the planning and prioritization is critical to ensure we are planning for today and the future, iA.