About Us
Following the EC elections of April 2017 the Constitutional Review Committee (CRC) was renamed the “Incorporation and Asset Protection Committee”. Brother Shabbir Jaffer was asked and agreed to chair the new committee, just as he had led the previous CRC, with the mandate of completing the incorporation of the ISIJ of Toronto and finding the best way to protect its valuable assets.
The new IAPC team was formed in June and met for the first time in July 2017. Its current members are:-
Sr. Shagufta Damji, Mohamed Datoo, Nazir Gulamhussein, Zyshan Kaba, Amin Kermali, Shafiq Punjani, Mehdi Somji. (Sr. Sajida Mehdi also served from July to November)
Assist the Executive Committee in facilitating implementation of the Resolution that was passed by the General on October 16th, 2016, approving for adoption the General Operating By-Law No.1 (GOBL) and authorizing the incorporation of ISIJ of Toronto. Examine the issue of asset protection thoroughly and make recommendations to the General on the best possible way of securing our assets while ensuring continuity in the organization to ensure steady progress.