Jumu’ah Program (Online/In-Person)
Jaffari Community Centre 9000 Bathurst street, Thornhill12:45 pm – Du’ā-e-Nudba, Jumu’ah Salāt led by Dr. Hussein Khimjee followed by Friday Ziyārat. The program will be relayed online at jaffari.org/live.
12:45 pm – Du’ā-e-Nudba, Jumu’ah Salāt led by Dr. Hussein Khimjee followed by Friday Ziyārat. The program will be relayed online at jaffari.org/live.
12:50 pm: Du'a Nudba 1:20 pm: Salaatul Jumu'ah (led by Sh. Jaffer) Overflow Parking: Rugby Gravel Lot
Jum’ah Salāt led by Maulana Syed Saghir Hussain @ 1.22 pm The program will be relayed online at jaffari.org/live/rcc-live.