Al Asr Student Registration
Theme: Du’as in the Qur’an. The objective of this year’s program is to highlight Du’as/Verses that were recited by our Prophets during happy times as well as when faced with challenges.
Registration Information
Dates: March 22nd to April 7th (Daily, including weekends)
Times: 4:00 – 5:30 PM
Location: Jaffari Community Centre, 9000 Bathurst St, Thornhill ON
Total # of Sessions: 17 Days. Awards Day Presentation on Final Session – April 7th
Age: Boys and Girls ages 3-12 (must be age 3 by March 1st, 2023)
Please register only if your child will be attending all 3 components of the program.
Registration begins on February 4th, 2023 (13th Rajab) at 9:00 AM
Program Components:
- Qur’an class: From 4:00 to 4.30 pm Students are given the opportunity to read the Qur’an and be fluent in it, at their own level and pace. Younger students participate in alphabet games.
- Tafsir Class : From 4:35 to 5:10pm. Students will learn 10 verses through stories, activities and reflections. A one-to-one assessment process will be conducted on March. 29/30 and April 5/6 by the teacher. Students will be assessed on how well they have learned the verse(s) (number of verses based on student age), which includes Arabic recitation, memorization of the Verse in Arabic and English and the context of the verse.
Memorization is not a mandatory component of the assessment process. The verses and the target for each age group will be provided to the students two weeks prior to the start of the program.
- Assembly: From 5:15 to 5:30pm. Age 3-6 and 7-12 gather in two groups for an engaging and interactive session by various guest speakers.
- Awards Day Ceremony: Parents are invited to attend an awards presentation ceremony.
For more information, please contact [email protected]