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Ladies Program: Wafat of BiBi Ummul Baneen (a)

Jaffari Community Centre 9000 Bathurst street, Thornhill, Ontario, Canada

10:00 AM  Ladies Program: Quran, Hadith-e-Kisa, Marshias, Aamaal of Bibi Ummul Baneen (a), Majlis by Zakira Nargis bai Karim (Urdu), Matam, Ziarat and Dua Faraj

Wafat of BiBi Ummul Baneen (a)

Jaffari Community Centre 9000 Bathurst street, Thornhill, Ontario, Canada

5:00 PM  Quran, Marsiya, Majlis, Noha, Taboot and Ziarat Speaker: Sayed Hussein Makke Stream live on    

Thursday Evening Program

Masumeen Islamic Centre 7580 Kennedy Road, Brampton, Ontario, Canada

7:00pm: Salaatul Ishaa followed by Surah e Yasin, Dua e Kumayl, Announcements, Lecture by Sheikh Jaffer, & Ziyarat-e-Waritha

Thursday Night Program

Jaffari Community Centre 9000 Bathurst street, Thornhill, Ontario, Canada

7:15 pm Sura Yasin, Dua Kumail, Majlis and Ziarat Waritha Speaker: Sayed Jarry Haider Stream Live at: Ladies will have a parallel Program  in Marhaba Hall Speaker: Sr. Tahera Kassamali  

Jummah Salaat

Jaffari Community Centre 9000 Bathurst street, Thornhill, Ontario, Canada

11:30 am   Dua Nudba, Jummah Salaat led by Maulana Sayyid Muhammad Rizvi and Ziyarat.

Jumu’ah Salaat

Masumeen Islamic Centre 7580 Kennedy Road, Brampton, Ontario, Canada

11:45am: Du'a Nudba 12:15pm: Salaatul Jumu'ah (led by Sh. Jaffer) Overflow Parking: Rugby Gravel Lot

Please note dates above are dependent on moon sighting and have been calculated based on a generic formula.

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