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Jumu’ah Salaat

Masumeen Islamic Centre 7580 Kennedy Road, Brampton

12:53pm: Du'a Nudba 1:23pm: Salaatul Jumu'ah (led by Br. Haider Jaffer) Overflow Parking: Softball Gravel Lots (click here for location details) You will need to show the image below to...

Jumuah Salah

Jaffari Community Centre 9000 Bathurst street, Thornhill

12:55 pm - Du'a Nudbah and Jumuah Salah (led by Maulana Sayyid Muhammad Rizvi) Stream live:

Jumu’ah Program (Ladies/Gents)

Razavi Community Centre 95 Mead Avenue, Hamilton

1:25 pm - Jum’ah Salāt led by Maulana Syed Saghir Hussain Relayed online at